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Grammy beauty look

Rihanna attended the Grammys last Sunday. We loved her red gown but we also loved her nails and make up which all matched all thanks to celebrity nail artist Kimmie Kyees and celebrity make up artist Mylah Morales. Here’s more info from the ladies on how they achieved the singers look.


“She wanted the nails and lips to match and she had ideas in her head !! So to achieve that stunning orange red we came up with a layered concoction using 2 Red Carpet Manicure colors …. OOO La Licision was our base giving us the orange we needed … and on top we finished it off with a gorgeous red that is a bit on the sheer side we applied 2 light layers so that we could still get the orangey effect from the base color.. The top shade was called Red Carpet Reddy….. How fitting !!! We talked about changing her nails for her performance but she loved the red so much she wanted to keep it !!” - Kimmie Kyees


“Grammy Lip’s for those of you asking I used Cherry liner to line her lips, Ruby Woo & Lady Danger in the center to create dimension.” - Mylah Morales

Be sure to visit their pages for any up coming looks in the future :) 

Mylah Morales

 Kimmie Kyees